

A Bill Splitting Application


2 min read

Hello Everyone,

I have recently taken part in 1 of the hackathons where I was supposed to develop a bill splitting application. And i have created BillSplita.

Please give me a chance to introduce something interesting about BillSplita.

*BillSplita is a Bill Splitting web app which helps user to split their bill when they are going to a trip or to spend holidays with friends. BillSplita helps users to add their expenses that they have done for each items/service they have purchased (like tickets, restaurant bill, hotel bills, others) throughout the trip and who has paid how much amount for that purchase or whether any user has taken part in that purchase or not and split the bill accordingly for the different amount paid by different user or paid by a single individual. And if you haven't participated in a particular purchase, then you don't have to contribute for that purchase. If you have already paid your bill for any purchase and others paid in a distributed way, then bill will only split between them with the actual amount that who will pay to whom and you don't have to worry about yours. *

Let me explain this with an example, If in a trip group 3 people (A, B, C) are added and they have purchased cake and price for cake is 400 and for this A has eaten cake and paid 150, B has eaten cake and paid 150 and C has not eaten cake but paid 100, so for the item cake bill will split only between A and B and A has to pay 50 to C and B has to pay 50 to C.

BillSplita shows the consolidated view of who owes to whom and by how much at the end to the trip. It also shows you the detailed view (item wise) of the amount owing by the members of the group.

If you liked my project, then please VOTE ME HERE rahul nag


Please check the demo video here.

You can checkout the application here :

Tech used:

  1. ReactJS for UI
  2. Firebase

Thank You, Rahul Nag (Team CapsCode)

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